New exact solitary wave solutions for nonlinear wave equation with fifth-order strong nonlinear term constructed by hyperbolic function type of auxiliary equation; 利用同解变型法并结合一个高阶辅助方程的解,成功地取得了该方程的一些新的精确行波解。
An improved algorithm based on hyperbolic function of BP neural network 一种基于双曲函数的BP网络改进算法
The hyperbolic number, hyperbolic type function and their properties are discussed. By using hyperbolic function, the solvability of a kind partial differential equations and the properties of the solutions are discussed. 研究双曲数、双曲型函数、双曲正则函数及其性质,并用双曲型函数讨论了一类双曲型偏微分方程解的存在性和解的性质。
The hyperbolic function method has been used to study new exact travelling wave solutions for a class of nonlinear evolution equation. 利用双曲函数方法求解一类非线性波动方程的精确行波解,得到了若干其它方法不曾给出的新的精确解。
Error Analysis on Hyperbolic Function and Other Recording Modes 双曲函数记录方式与其它记录方式的误差分析
The relation between piping resistance and dry density may be expressed by a hyperbolic function. 抗渗强度与干容重呈双曲线函数关系。
And the hyperbolic function was selected to represent load-settlement curve of foundation soil, and an analytical equation for analyzing pile-soil stress ratio under the interaction of the pile-soil was derived, and influences of those correlative parameters on pile-soil stress ratio were discussed. 然后,选取双曲线函数来表征地基土的荷载&沉降曲线,推导出了一种桩土相互作用下的桩土应力比的解析算式,并讨论相关参数对桩土应力比的影响。
Modified Hyperbolic Function Method and Exact Solutions to Nonlinear Evolution Equations 修正双曲函数法与非线性发展方程的精确解
Traveling Wave Solutions for Nonlinear Evolutional Equations via a Hyperbolic Function Approach 利用双曲函数法研究非线性方程的行波解
Results show that it's rational to illustrate the relationship between skin friction and relative displacement by hyperbolic function. 结果表明:采用双曲线函数对灌注桩侧摩阻力与相对位移间的变化关系进行拟合是合理的;
Transistor blocking is investigated using hyperbolic function. A general expression is obtained showing the effect of interference on the useful output and methods of raising the blocking level are discussed. 本文用双曲线函数法研究了晶体管高频放大器的阻塞问题,推导了有用输出与干扰的一般关系式,讨论了提高阻塞电平的方法。
Hamiltonian schemes of four order rod vibration equation are considered and hyperbolic function tanh ( x) is applied. 考虑四阶杆振动方程的哈密顿方程组。
Hexagon Memory Method for the Derivative and Integral Formula of the Trigonometric and the Hyperbolic Function 三角函数双曲函数及其导数积分公式的六边形记忆法
A simple transformation, hyperbolic function method and exact solution for a class of reaction diffusion equation 一个简单的变换,双曲函数法和一类反应扩散方程的精确解
Meanwhile, the simulated curves of the hyperbolic function are compared with the test curves. 与此同时,又将该模型的模拟曲线与试验曲线进行了比较。
The roots of the characteristic equation are two pairs of complex ones, which can be expressed by trigonometric function and hyperbolic function that can satisfy the boundary conditions. 此时其特征方程的根为两对复根,且可表成三角级数和双曲线级数,以满足边界条件。
A transformation method which is called hyperbolic function method is proposed. We show that this transformation can be obtained from the sinh-Gordon equation. 提出一种双曲函数的方法,并且证明了这种变换方法可以从sinh-Gordon方程中得到。
Based on statistical method the relations of dynamic stress-strain are in keeping with the law of hyperbolic function. 根据统计分析,该土的动应力&应变关系符合双曲线函数规律。
Iterative methods were constructed for implicit symplectic schemes of schrodinger equations of high order, the schemes were formed by using hyperbolic function tanh, and its conditions of convergence were discussed. 本文对以tanh(x)为基础构造的schrodinger方程的隐式辛格式建立一种迭代解法,并讨论了此代解法的收敛条件。
The homogeneous solutions composed of trigonometric functions and hyperbolic function can satisfy the problems with arbitrary boundary conditions along four edges. 由代数多项式和双正弦级数组成的齐次解能满足四个角为任意边界条件的问题。通过适当选取建立了满足任意边界条件和任意载荷作用的一般解。
The hyperbolic function format of BBM equation has been worked out by means of trigonometric function and Wu algebraic elimination; 利用三角函数法和吴代数消元法求出了BBM方程的双曲函数形式解;
On the supposition that the shear resistance increases linearly with shear displacement between the bolt and surrounding soil, a calculation model of load transfer with hyperbolic function is established. The distribution of frictional resistance and shear displacement along the anchoring length and the influence factors are obtained. 假定锚固体与锚杆周围岩(土)体之间的剪力与剪切位移呈线性增加关系,建立锚杆荷载传递的双曲函数模型,获得了锚杆摩阻力和剪切位移沿锚固长度的分布规律及其影响因素。
The results show that the model has good fitting precision. It is more reasonable than traditional modified arc tangent function or hyperbolic function model for the saturation characteristic of transformer. 结果表明,与已有的修正反正切函数或双曲函数模型相比,该模型不仅具有较高的精度,而且对变压器饱和特性的模拟也更为合理。
This paper points out possible problems in calculation of the torsional stiffness matrix of a thin-walled beam element expressed by the hyperbolic function. 指出了在高层建筑结构简化计算中使用的、用双曲函数表达的薄壁杆件扭转刚度矩阵在实用中可能出现的问题。
An algorithm is devised to obtained exact traveling wave solutions of differential-differential equations by means of hyperbolic function. For illustration, we apply the method to solve the discrete nonlinear Toda-Lattice system, and construct some explicit and exact traveling wave solutions successfully. 利用双曲函数方法,研究了具有广泛、深刻物理背景的Toda-Lattice系统,得到了它的显式精确解,这种方法也适用于求解其他离散的非线性方程(组)。
So we systematically analyze the expansion of the hyperbolic function method proposed in the literature by Yan, Dai, Xie, Huang, Shang. However, the results show that these methods are mathematically different, but essentially equivalent. 于是我们系统地分析了Yan,Dai,Huang,Xie,Shang等在文献中提出的拓展的双曲函数法,结果显示这些方法只是数学形式不同,本质上是等价的。
From this construct the hyperbolic function expansion method the solution of nonlinear evolution equations is very convenient and effective. 从中可见用双曲函数展开法建构非线性发展方程的解是非常方便、有效的。
In view of the natural gradient algorithm for step size dependence, this paper proposes an improved adaptive step-size method based on hyperbolic function. 针对自然梯度算法对于步长的依赖性,提出了一种改进的基于双曲正切函数自适应步长方法。
Based on the electrical balance equation and electrical boundary conditions, for the simply supported piezoelectric laminated plates considering the first shear impact, the deduced electric potential distribution is expressed as a hyperbolic function along the thickness. 针对考虑一阶剪切影响的四边简支压电层合板,根据电学平衡方程及电学边界条件推导得到了压电层沿厚度方向电势分布为双曲函数的变化规律。